Public Safety

Emergency Response
For enhancing public safety, IoT-based smart city technologies offer real-time monitoring, analytics, including tools for improved situational awareness and decision-making tools.
Combining data captured from cameras, acoustic sensors, and other technologies with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), our public safety and emergency response solutions can be used to help our clients identify and anticipate potential incidents and recommend appropriate proactive tactics, or response and recovery measures.


Safety Cameras
We provide a combination of technologies, including cameras, sound and AI-driven insight
software for enhanced public safety. These technologies assist in location monitoring, suspicious object, and POI detection, as well as crowd management.
ALPR Software
Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software uses camera inputs to create vehicle
location data. This data can be used for law enforcement purposes, including to check if a vehicle is licensed, as well as a number of other smart public safety solutions such as electronic toll collection and detection/identification of local traffic movements and patterns.
Gunshot Detection
Gunshot detection technology uses acoustic sensors to locate the sound of gunshot and alert the police as to its whereabouts. Sensors are placed at various elevations throughout the coverage areas and when shots are fired anywhere within this grid, the system automatically triangulates their location to within 10 feet and reports the activity to police. When deployed in conjunction with an intelligent streetlighting system, we can also automatically brighten and flash the lights to help local police.